The Research Group of Security in Distributed Systems (Prof. Dr. Hannes Federrath) is part of the Department of Informatics at the University of Hamburg (UHH). The expertise available at the group in information security covers both overarching aspects (security management, multilateral security, economic aspects) and techniques of IT security (authentication, authorisation, access control, digital signatures, public key infrastructures). One focus is the design and evaluation of privacy-friendly techniques to protect privacy.
Prior work are activities the field of communication anonymity (including in the BMBF project AN.ON-next): “Anonymität Online der nächsten Generation”) and the implementation of cryptographic threshold schemes (among others in the BMBF project DREI: „Datenschutzrespektierende Erkennung von Innentätern“).
The UHH performs the task of project coordinator in EMPRI-DEVOPS.

The Chair of Privacy and Security in Information Systems (PSI, Prof. Dr. Dominik Herrmann) is part of the Faculty of Information Systems and Applied Computer Science at Otto Friedrich University Bamberg (UBA). The faculty is characterised in particular by application-oriented research.
The University of Bamberg is represented by PSI in the research, cooperation and start-up platform Zentrum Digitalisierung.Bayern (ZD.B) and thus has a competent network of representatives from business, science and associations that is designed for interdisciplinary knowledge transfer.
UBA is also involved in the H2020 project CANVAS (“Constructing an Alliance for Value-driven Cybersecurity”), which looks at security and privacy issues from a technical, ethical and legal-philosophical perspective.

The Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein (ULD) is a public agency.
The responsible body is the state of Schleswig-Holstein.
40 employees work at the ULD.
As the office of the State Data Protection Commissioner, ULD advises and supervises Schleswig-Holstein’s public and non-public bodies in all questions of data protection and related data security issues.
The ULD traditionally stands for the implementation of data protection and data security via a proactive design of systems
(data protection by design and by default), advising data subjects, manufacturers and users,
support for technologies and services that promote data protection, as well as a process-oriented
data protection.
As a legally independent agency, the ULD has for years conducted scientific studies and has been involved in research projects to
examine innovative ideas and concepts with regard to their legal, technical and social framework conditions and to promote designs and applications that elevate privacy.

The range of services offered by Hamburg-based vogella GmbH includes consulting, training and development in the field of software development with a focus on Git, Eclipse and Android.
Vogella pursues two goals: Optimising open source software for enterprise use and directly supporting customers in software projects.
Managing director Lars Vogel is project manager in the Eclipse project, which is used by many customers.
Employees of vogella are involved in the development of components of the Eclipse IDE, such as the Git tooling and other privacy-relevant components like the integration of the issue tracker Mylyn.

Partner until early 2020
Founded in 2014 in Hanover, Qabel GmbH is a manufacturer of cloud-based cryptographic software solutions that enable anyone to effectively encrypt any digital communication and associated data. The technologies and products developed in-house are used in the B2C sector or integrated into existing solutions of customers from the B2B(2C) sector and are almost exclusively open source. At CeBIT 2016, “Qabel Box Public Beta”, an encrypted online storage solution for end users (B2C), was presented to great media attention.
For in-house development, QAB uses various DevOps tools to support its agile processes. Committed to the transparency required from an IT security point of view, development takes place as publicly as possible on GitHub (source code, issues, code review). However, the transparency requirement conflicts with the data protection interests of the developers, which is why Qabel strives to find an appropriate balance and regularly tests alternative tools.